FNA Kit and Mailers

Kit Number: FNA Kit
Kit Contents: frosted-end glass slides; plastic slide holder; ThinPrep vial; absorbent paper; styrofoam mailers; mailing labels; biohazard sticker
Kit Description: Instructions For Submitting Specimens For Fine Needle Aspiration Evaluations. This kit is intended for collection and shipment of fine needle aspiration specimens for analysis of premalignant or malignant disease.
Collection Instructions: See test section
Shipping Instructions: (1) Insert glass slide in plastic slide holder; (2) Wrap ThinPrep vial with absorbent paper and put in a biohazard bag; (3) Put the biohazard bag and plastic slide holder into the styrofoam mailer; (4) Label the styrofoam mailer with the following: Your laboratory/clinic's address, WSLH Cytology Department address, Diagnostic specimen label, Biohazard sticker; (5) Place completed requisition form in the styrofoam mailer. PLEASE NOTE: The specimen does not need to be refrigerated or packed with ice. The styrofoam mailer does not need to be placed in a biohazard bag. Transport via courier or shipping carrier with a tracking option strongly preferred.
Kit Size:
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