Total Homocysteine, Dried Blood Spot (DBS) filter paper

WSLH Department: Biochemical Genetics
WSLH Test Code: BG00595
Availability: Prior to submission of specimens for Biochemical Genetics testing, please contact the laboratory at: (608) 263-4619.
Turn-around Time: 5 working days
Recommended Uses: Total homocysteine quantification can be used to assess patients for cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiency, and primary or secondary disorders of methionine metabolism. There is also a weak association between homocysteine concentrations and coronary heart disease.
Contraindications: None
Additional Tests Performed:
Patient Preparations:
Specimen Requirements: Whole blood spotted on filter paper. The filter paper is part of the collection kit.
Specimen Handling & Transport: Specimens should be sent at ambient temperatures.
Collection Kit/Container: Whatman 903 filter paper
Collection Instructions: 2 dime-sized dried blood spots collected on provided filter paper. Allow blood specimen to dry horizontally for at least 3 hours prior to transport.
Unacceptable Conditions: Specimens are deemed unacceptable for testing for the following reasons: Blood clots; Layered blood; Incomplete saturation; Plasma separation for red blood cells; Contamination of filter paper; Damage to filter paper; Blood on filter paper cover.
Requisition Form: Biochemical Genetics Requisition Form
Required Information: Laboratory regulations require the following minimum information to be provided on the requisition form for a specimen to be accepted for testing: Patient name or unique identifier; date and time of collection, patient date of birth and sex, specimen type/site of collection, test request(s), clinician name and UPIN, and address for reporting results. Please be certain that name/identifier on the form matches that on the specimen label.
Results Include: Quantification of total homocysteine and an interpretation of results.
Additional Tests Recommended: See report for recommendations
Additional Comments:
Methodology: HPLC
Includes: Quantification of total homocysteine. Interpretation of clinical significance provided.
CPT Code: 83090
Price: For pricing information, please call 608-262-9674
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