Schistosome, Urine

WSLH Department: CDD - Communicable Disease Division
WSLH Test Code: MP00850
Availability: Daily, Monday - Friday
Turn-around Time: 1-3 days
Recommended Uses: For the diagnosis of infection caused by Schistosoma haematobium.
Contraindications: Not recommended for the diagnosis and identification of other Schistosoma species; Not recommended for patients without travel history to areas endemic for S. haematobium.
Additional Tests Performed:
Patient Preparations:
Specimen Requirements: Clean-catch urine sample in a sterile container; mid-day collection or a 24-hour collection of urine preferred.
Specimen Handling & Transport: Ambient temperature
Collection Kit/Container:
Collection Instructions: Unpreserved urine specimens must be received or preserved in formalin within 24 hours of last collection.
Unacceptable Conditions: Unpreserved urine specimen received >24 hours after (last) collection cannot be accepted for this test.
Requisition Form: CDD Requisition Form A
Required Information: Patient history is critical for diagnosis. Patient history submitted should include any foreign travel, any prophylaxis or treatment received, clinical symptoms, compromised immune status and prior parasite infection if applicable. Laboratory regulations require the following minimum information to be provided on the requisition form for a specimen to be accepted for testing: Patient name or unique identifier; date and time of collection, patient date of birth and sex, specimen type/site of collection, test request(s), clinician name and UPIN, and address for reporting results. Please be certain that name/identifier on the form matches that on the specimen label.
Results Include: Schistosoma haematobium detected/not detected
Limitations: Analysis of urine sediments will not detect most parasitic intestinal protozoa or helminths.
Additional Tests Recommended: Ova and Parasites, Intestinal (Test MP00840)
Additional Comments: This test is not listed on the requisition form. Please write in under "other tests."
Methodology: Microscopic exam
Includes: Identification of Schistosome eggs in urine sediment.
CPT Code: 87177
Price: $58.00
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