Welcome to the WSLH Clinical Test Directory. To find information about clinical tests offered at WSLH, please type a key word, such as the common or technical name of the infectious organism you are interested in, or a portion of the test name, into the search box above. Leave the search box blank for a listing of all tests, but be sure to click individual listings for current status and availability.

If the search does not return the test you are looking for, even after confirming spelling and trying other related search terms, please contact Customer Service at 800-862-1013 for assistance.

The listed Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code(s) reflect the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene's (WSLH) interpretation of CPT coding requirements and are provided for guidance only. It is the responsibility of each laboratory to determine the correct CPT codes to use for billing. The WSLH assumes no responsibility for billing errors due to reliance on the CPT codes published.